1). What's new with vsphere 5.1?
2). Difference between ESX and ESXi?
3). How does vmotion works?
Live migration of a virtual machine from one physical server to another with VMware VMotion is enabled by three underlying technologies.
First, the entire state of a virtual machine is encapsulated by a set of files stored on shared storage such as Fibre Channel or iSCSI Storage Area Network (SAN) or Network Attached Storage (NAS). VMware vStorage VMFS allows multiple installations of VMware ESX® to access the same virtual machine files concurrently.
Second, the active memory and precise execution state of the virtual machine is rapidly transferred over a high speed network, allowing the virtual machine to instantaneously switch from running on the source ESX host to the destination ESX host. VMotion keeps the transfer period imperceptible to users by keeping track of on-going memory transactions in a bitmap. Once the entire memory and system state has been copied over to the target ESX host, VMotion suspends the source virtual machine, copies the bitmap to the target ESX host, and resumes the virtual machine on the target ESX host. This entire process takes less than two seconds on a Gigabit Ethernet network.
Third, the networks being used by the virtual machine are also virtualized by the underlying ESX host, ensuring that even after the migration, the virtual machine network identity and network connections are preserved. VMotion manages the virtual MAC address as part of the process. Once the destination machine is activated, VMotion pings the network router to ensure that it is aware of the new physical location of the virtual MAC address.
Since the migration of a virtual machine with VMotion preserves the precise execution state, the network identity, and the active network connections, the result is zero downtime and no disruption to users.
4). Pre-requisites of vMotion?
1. ESX Servers must be configured with VMkenerl ports enabled for vmotion and on the same network segment
2. ESX Servers must be managed by the same Virtual Center server
3. ESX Must have compatible CPUs
4. ESX Servers must have consistent Networks and Netwroks labels
5. The VMs must be stored on shared storage - iSCSI or FC SAN or NAS/NFS
6. The VMs cannot use local cd/floppy or internal only vrtual switches on the ESX server
5). Difference between h/w version 4 vs 7 vs 8 vs 9?
6). What is storage DRS?
7). How is HA of vsphere 4.1 different from vsphere 5.x?
8). What is NMP (native multipathing)?
9). If one host is showing disconected to vcenter, how will you troubleshoot it?
10). What is PSOD, how will you troubleshoot it?
11). Where does the logs of hostd and vpx go?
12). what is in-memory filesystem and is introduced with which version?
13). Pr-requisites of FT?
14). What can be the maxium size of snapshot, how it grows?
15). Commands to create vswitch?
16). What is lockdown mode?
17). what is CPU ready time?
18). How to enable hot-add feature?
19). how to generate logs using CLI?
20). What is the default location for AAM logs?
21). Difference between VMF3 and VMFS5 filesystem?
22). How to troubleshoot VMs performance using CLI?
23). Difference between vpxa and hostd deamons?
24). How many simultaneous vmotions are possible in 1gigs n/w?
25). What are default roles in vcenter?
26). Whati s the difference between vmdk and flat.vmdk?
27). What is "shared nothing" vmotion and its pre-requisites?
28). Licensing model in 5.0 and how it is changed in 5.1?
29). How to upgrade from ESX 3.5 to 4.0 /4.x to 5.x?
30). What is a slot-size and how is it calculated?
31). Importance of VMware tools?
32). How many disk failures does RAID 5 support?
33). which is better RAID 10 or RAID 01
Storage Questions
1). What is zoning, different types of zoning?
2). Difference b/w soft and hard zoning?
3). Whati s LUN masking?
4). What is vault drive?
5). What is LUN masking and how is it different from zoning?
6. How many maximum number of disks can be placed in EMC clariion CX4 - 960
7). What is LCC and its importance?
8). What is difference between contcatination and Striping in lun expansion?
9). How is a LUN presented to a server, all steps like RAID grouping, LUN binding etc?
10). what is WWN and IQN
11). What are different types of backup techniques?
12). What is deduplication?
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