Sunday, March 8, 2015



  • What are the Exchange 2007/2010 server roles?
  • What are the benefits of using roles, vs. the way Exchange 2000/2003 worked?
  • What are the Exchange 2003 equivalents of the various Exchange 2007/2010 roles?
  • Name the system prerequisites for installing Exchange 2007/2010 in your existing Active Directory forest.
  • You have an Exchange 5.5 organization and finally decided to move forward and upgrade to Exchange 2007/2010. What's your next obvious step?
  • You're looking to install Exchange 2007/2010 and Outlook on the same machine. Should you do that? Why?
  • Where does Exchange store its configuration settings?
  • How do you prepare the AD for Exchange 2007/2010? Name 2 methods.
  • What permissions do you need to prepare the AD for Exchange 2007/2010?
  • How would you verify that the schema was in fact updated?
  • In the installation folder root you see and setup.exe. Which would you use and when?
  • How would you easily install all the Windows Server 2008/R2 roles and features required for Exchange 2007/2010?
  • How would you check your Exchange configuration settings to see if they're right?
  • .....
  • What is the latest Exchange 2007 Service Pack? Name a few changes in functionality in that SP.
  • Looking to install Exchange 2007 on Windows Server 2008. What SP version do you need? And for R2?
  • What's a Rollup Update? What's the latest RU for Exchange 2007/2010?
  • How can you easily integrate a RU in the Exchange 2007/2010 installation media?
  • Name a few reasons for using 64-bit hardware and OS version for Exchange 2007/2010.
  • Exchange 2007 came in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Name a couple of reasons for ever needing the 32-bit version.
  • ....
  • Wanting to manage Exchange 2007/2010 from a remote computer, name a few of your management options.
  • Name a few changes that were made in Exchange 2003 Management Console (EMC) when compared to Exchange 2003 System Manager (ESM).
  • What's PowerShell and why do we care?
  • Name one major benefit of PowerShell v2 over V1.
  • What are the different Exchange Recipient types?
  • What are resource mailboxes? When would you use them?
  • What are Dynamic Distribution groups?
    What type of groups would you use when configuring distribution groups in a multiple domain forest?
  • How can you grant access for an administrator to access all mailboxes in your organization?
  • How can you grant access for an administrator to access all mailboxes on a specific Exchange server?
  • Describe the differences in the permission model between Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2010.
  • ....
  • What are the major changes in the way Exchange 2007 stores work?
  • What's the difference between the Enterprise and Standard editions of Exchange in relation with the number and size of the stores on the server?
  • What are the major changes in the way Exchange 2010 stores work? Name some of the changes in comparison with Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007.
  • What's the major difference in store high availability in Exchange 2007?
  • What's the major difference in store high availability in Exchange 2010?
  • What is the GAL?
  • When would you decide to create more than one GAL?
  • How would you modify the filter properties of one of the default address lists?
  • What is the OAB? When is it used?
  • What are the OAB distribution options?
  • You are at a client's location, and you see no Public Folders on any of the Mailbox servers. How can that be?
  • You don't have any Public Folder, but now you've got a bunch of laptop users that use Outlook 2003. What issues would you see? How would you fix these issues?
  • .....
  • In Exchange 2007, what are the minimum requirements for implementing a high availability topology, in relation to the server roles and server numbers?
  • In Exchange 2010, what are the minimum requirements for implementing a high availability topology, in relation to the server roles and server numbers?
  • Describe the concept behind Log Shipping.
  • What's the difference between LCR, CCR and SCR?
  • What's SCC?
  • You've installed Exchange 2007 RTM and are looking to enable SCR but cannot find the option to do so in the EMC or in PS. Why?
  • Describe DAG in Exchange 2010.
  • Considering DAGs in Exchange 2010, why does Microsoft claim that you can run "Raidless"?
  • Would you run "Raidless" even when implementing DAGs in Exchange 2010? Why?
  • Would you run "Backup-less" even when implementing DAGs in Exchange 2010? Why?
  • How do you enable LCR?
  • Why does Microsoft suggest using NTFS mount points when using LCR?
  • What Exchange edition version do you need for LCR? What Windows edition version do you need for LCR?
  • How do you recover from a store corruption when using LCR? Name the procedures you would use.
  • ....
  • What are streaming backups?
  • What are VSS backups?
  • How would you backup Exchange 2007/2010 on a Windows Server 2008/R2 machine without using 3rd-party tools?
  • What's a Brick-Level backup?
  • What backup solutions are you familiar with in Exchange 2007/2010?
  • What's a Recovery Storage Group? How do you work with one?
  • Can you use Exmerge in Exchange 2007/2010? Why?
  • How do you export a mailbox content in Exchange 2007/2010?
  • What's a Dial Tone recovery?
  • What built-in tool do you have to allow you to manage Exchange store recoveries?
  • What's the difference between online and offline defrag?
  • In Exchange 2010, is there any change in the way online and offline defrags are used (or should be used)?
  • What is Eseutil?
  • What is Isinteg?
  • Name a few scenarios for using both tools?
  • What are the major considerations for using these tools?
  • ...
  • Where does Exchange 2007/2010 get its routing topology from?
  • What protocol is used for the Mailbox to HT transport?
  • How would you achieve incoming mail redundancy?
  • Name all the client connection options in Exchange 2007/2010.
  • What happened to OMA?
  • Name some of the major changes in OWA in relation to Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2003? And in relation to Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007?
  • What's the ECP in Exchange 2010 OWA?
  • A user opens an OWA session from an external computer. Which role does that user connect to?
  • What are the major changes in Outlook 2010 in relation to Exchange 2010, when compared to Outlook 2007/Exchange 2007?
  • What's a mailbox move request in Exchange 2010?
  • What is Online Mailbox Move in Exchange 2010?
  • Describe the issues you're facing when attempting to obtain a digital certificate for Exchange 2007.
  • What's one of the changes that was made to the digital certificate request process in Exchange 2010 in relation to Exchange 2007?
  • What are SAN certificates?
  • Name a few commercial CAs you could use to obtain digital certificates.
  • What is Cached Mode in Outlook 2007/2010?
    What are the benefits and "issues" when using cached mode? How would you tackle those issues?
    What is S/MIME? What are the usage scenarios for S/MIME?
  • What is Outlook Anywhere?
  • Describe the method for enabling Outlook Anywhere.
  • You've just bought a new Internet domain name, and are looking to set up an Exchange organization to receive e-mail for that domain. Name ALL the steps you would need to take in order to successfully be able to work with that domain name.
  • You've installed Exchange 2007/2010 and now you need to be able to send e-mail externally (to the Internet). What do you need to do?
  • What's Accepted Domains?
  • Where in EMC would you look to configure Send Connectors?
  • What is a Mail Relay? Name a few known mail relay software or hardware options.
  • What's a Smart Host? When would you use it?
  • Wanting to configure a Send Connector to the world, what address would you use?
  • What are Receive Connectors?
  • In Exchange 2007/2010, what's the major issue blocking you from receiving e-mail from the world, considering you've enabled the right port(s) on the firewall, and properly configured MX records for your domain(s)?
  • What's the difference between the "Client" and the "Default" Receive Connectors?
  • You're looking to troubleshoot e-mail delivery issues. Name 4 options/tools/logs that are built into Exchange 2007/2010 that can help you in your task.
  • ...
  • You're looking to enable Anti-Spam features on Exchange. Which role would you use to do so?
  • Let's say you're wanting to use Anti-Spam features on the HT role. You're looking to enable these features but cannot find them. What do you need to do?
  • Where does Edge role store its settings?
  • You have a need to enable high-availability and load balancing on your Edge role. How do you achieve that?
  • What's Edge synchronization?
  • What's Edge subscription?
  • How do you enable Edge subscription?
  • What's the default replication interval for Edge sync?
  • What ports do you need to open between the DMZ holding the Edge role and your internal network?

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